Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fewa Lake of Pokhara

Fewa lake is the golden gate of Pokhara. It is the representativee part of Pokhara. Whoever comes to visit Pokhara, talks about Fewa lake and Tal Barahi. It is situated in the southern part of the city in Baidam, lakeside. As Pokhara is called" The city of lakes", there are 7 lakes. One is Fewa lake which is the biggest among seven lakes. The other lakes are Rupa, Begnas, Dipang, Maidi, Gunde and Khaste. Out of the seven lakes Fewa, Begnas and Rupa are popular. But other four lakes are in the condition of extinction. As the lake is situated in the city it has got lots of love from the people. Every year, many tourists wants to stay in the lakeside and enjoy the natural scenery , the magic scene ,when the image of Machhapuchre is seen on the Fewa lake. The second biggest lake in the valley is Begnas lake which is situated out of the town nearly 12 km from Pokhara city area. Begnas and Rupa lake are situated in the same place, but they are separated from each other by a small hill. Otherwise, these two lakes are similar to see.People also called these lakes "twins lakes". Actually Fewa lake is situated in the southern part at the edge of the Pokhara city. The total area of Fewa lake is about 520 hectares. The amazing and mysterious Tal Barahi temple is situated in the middle of Fewa lake. Every year many Hindu and Buddhists visit Barahi temple.People think that how can a small part of land mass be like that in the water. People believe that the temple has the power as it is like that . Across the Fewa lake, there is a forest named Raniban which is situated beside Anadu dada.
But unfortunately, the condition of Fewa lake is degrading day by day. Pollution is increasing day by day in the Fewa lake. There are many causes which will lead Fewa lake to be extinct. One is the uncontrolled management of hotels and restaurants and their garbage thrown in the Fewa lake. The public are also not aware of the danger. They are not worried about its protection. And the gravel , sand are getting deposited into Fewa lake which will surely lead Fewa lake to its non-existence stage.Many geographers said that in few years, Fewa lake will be extinct. Due to excessive pollution, the water of Fewa lake is extremely hazardous and not fit for human use. Few years, Fewa lake used to cover 20,000 ropanis of space. But due to gravel deposition and people's activities, its area has decreased to 8,707 ropanis which is very ridiculous and bad news for the visitors. In few years, there won't be Fewa lake and no visitors in Pokhara.
Different NGO are involved for the conservation of Fewa lake. Many capital are invested for the lake. But, if local people are involved nothing could be possible. In the past it was the source of water for the local people. But now it is not safe for use. It's all due to the public's hinderance. It is not only the property of the government of Nepal but also the property of all the people. So, its the responsibility of all the people to conserve the Fewa lake.We hope coming years we can see the Fewa lake and its natural beauty for many centuries.


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