Thursday, January 14, 2010

Geography of Pokhara

photo of pokhara Pokhara valley has got unique type of land masses. We can see the Seti-gorge and it's deep crust which makes the Pokhara valley awesome and mysterious. Pokhara valley have the unique type of land masses which rises high so quickly and lowers too. There are less such landforms in which the land masses rises so quickly. Pokhara valley is situated in between 27 55' N latitude and 83 48'- 84 11 E longitude. It is situated in the plain and hill bounded by Himalayan range(Machhapuchre, Dhaulagiri, and Annapurna range) in the northern side and Mahabharat mountain in the southern side. The total land area of Pokahra valley has 3 differrent kinds of land masses. They are low landmasses(besi), Pahar(hills) and highlands(lekh). The valley is extended from Bharabhure village in the northern side to the Bhimad V.D.C in the southern side, which lies in Tanahuun district. The total area of Pokhara valley is 123 sq km.But the area of Pokhara city is 56.66sq km and the area of Lekhnath municipality is 77.75 sq km.
The average height of the hills ranges from 4000-6000 feet. The height of the Machhapuchre is about 20,000 feet and from the highest point of Machhapuchre to the pokhara city, the total height lost 1,100 feet in every mile whereas the distance between Machhapuchre to pkr city is 18 miles. The pokhara plain is extended over about 30 miles from Bharabhure in the northern hillside to the Dobhan in the east-south part of the valley. Phewa lake is situated in the heart of the valley whereas Begnas and Rupa is situated in out of the town near Lekhnath municipality. So, the central plain of Pokhara spreads to Rupa Tal in the eastern side whereas the southern part of Rupa Tal is narrow and end to Dobhan gorge photo of pokharawhich distances 8 miles.
As pokhara is said' The city of lakes', the lakes of pokhara valley is situated in the edge of plain area. It is said that the lakes are formed by the damming up of tributary streams from the village side in the northern side. The Phewa lake is situated in the city area and is big than other lakes. So, the area of phewa lake is increased by damming and hence it has helped many villages and areas by providing water for irrigation and the lake has also helped as hyrdroelectricity is produced from the water of phewa lake. From phewa lake, 1.8 Mw electricity is generated. But other smaller lakes are going to be disappeared . The climate of Pokhara is favourable compared to other regions. The climate here is humid. Neither there is too much hot in summer and nor too much cold in winter. The temperature in summer is about 73 degree F and in winter 20.4 degree F. The population of pokhara valley is rather less than kathmandu valley. Out of total popualtion, 18 % of popualtion live in city area whereas 82-84 % of popualtion live in hills. But now for the quality education and other facilities, people are migrating to city area day by day in a rapid manner . The settlement in pokhara city is increasing day by day.


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